Saturday, September 3, 2011

Time to think while driving.

Dock and I got off, at least 1 hour later than my latest target leaving time! It took some time telling my mom good-bye and I could not find my ipod, so I went home to look. No luck in finding the item that I spent hours filling the playlists for. I had Sunday music especially for ....Sunday, of course. I hate when you put something away safe and it is so safe that you can not find it!
The 1st thing I realized, as we were riding together in the car, was that I can not remember if Dock and I have ever gone on more than a 4-5 hour road trip alone before. We have been to Iowa before, but with kids or my folks; we have been to Oregon, but with good friends; we have been to California, but with Dock's I can not remember a single trip that was just Dock and me! Unfortunate for me, it is at a time in our lives that Dock is not very helpful! He is only moderately helpful at loading the car, carrying in things from the car, keeping track of where we are, etc...But, he is easy to entertain, excited to see things, enjoys listening to books on DC, is fixated on wind turbines, and not picky about food!
The first 2 night we have gotten in after dark, but that will have to change! I want to see where I am at!

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